[Full Binkies NFT Guide] - How to make money with Binkies NFT?

The founder said if you want to sell on the marketplace, you must attach it binkis NFT to it. So when you do that, you're generating your passive income and then with that passive income it's assigned to your NFT. So you're creating the value out of it.

This is attached to your business, so even the lowest ranking NFT now can become the most valuable in the marketplace. I mean, that's the real value there, and so my question for the founders on that is, will there be a limit to how many products each NFT can have tied to it in your store?

Uh, no, there won't be any limits. We advise working on it a little too in order to get traction. It's always good to have between 2025 designs, but once you will understand the mechanics because it's something very straightforward, you will start to understand how building stores work.

People will start getting 50 hundred to hundreds 305 hundred products and it will grow that way and to talk about. Yeah, the onboarding process. As it will be a manual process, we will. There really ends down process. We will help each and every store to build everything.

Especially the products and we will talk with every seller to understand what they want to do to guide them, to give them some advice, recommendations and tell them. OK, if you want to go there, you should maybe start with that king or that kind of design to have more chance to have a better chance to get sales. And we will guide them as well. Once that starts having sales.

To scale and to scale their store to create different collections. To create different categories and little by little to increase their revenue. Because it's a win-win.

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You know everyone has to win. The marketplace has to win. The seller has to win and also the buyers because you will see over time that once people like a brand they want to buy it. They really want to buy it. I mean not only one product but they start collecting everything that is coming from the brand so.

I think there is really good potential with binkies. Do you tell me, Tim, do you? Do you want to come and speak a little?

Yes, we have the founder of Binky Babies in the House and Binky Babies is mincing later today.

Binkies NFT

While I will be on the road driving so I will not be able to take a part of that Mint and I'm sure it's gonna comment out which makes me super sad but I'm super happy for Tim. So Tim yeah tell us all about you know where did you get your brand assets from being key babies? Tell us about the inspiration of how that came about. We want to hear about your project.

The inspiration I think we're living the inspiration. Yeah the brand all the assets came from the Binky Academy, right? So I always appreciate being on your show. The Rev I really like these spaces. I just like being part of this Community and yeah, just to echo what she refers to, was saying a little bit earlier. I just want to touch on two points. There are two things that really resonated. About what they're saying, and you know they're building of, you know, phenomenal platform.

It's a long-term build. They're thinking about the future. They're you know their long-term vision is great, but they touched on it. One thing was fun. So when you're doing anything in this space, whether you're just a consumer or an investor or supporting a project involved with a project, you know it's important to have fun in this space because of everyone's learning kind of.

To you know how to you know, get the best in NFT or how to flip or anything like that. So everyone's kind of in the same position. So the one thing was having fun. So I'm having a blast doing it. You know the Binky babies it's. It's been absolutely fun. I just I'm so honoured to have the, you know, the privilege to be involved and connected to a community that's so supportive because without the founders and the community, everyone in this room and.

Everybody in the Binky Academy. Everybody in the Binky discord. Everybody in actually brand new Binky Baby's discord has just been so supportive. Like I can't thank everyone enough like so, so that's one you going to have fun doing this. You can't? You know, everyone's learning everyone's kind of like I said in the same position. We're all figuring it out together as number two was, was longevity or the long-term builds. I know that there's a real nuance in the space where everyone kind of wants.

And in saying that, it's been, you know, with three week anniversary of when Binkies launched right three weeks. Think of what this project alone has done in three weeks like you got games posted. You got people building in the Academy. You have brands launched. Binky Babies is minting today, so when that's in three weeks, right? So that's lightning-fast for anything in retail and eCommerce and digital space. Three weeks to get up and going and to be developing, so we're spoiled in these communities.

I know the founders here is during lilou have been, you know, pounding out the content and relentlessly they're serving up. So we're spoiled in this community. We're getting product and we're getting deliverables fast, right? And so we're getting spoiled. But the one thing to remember in the space is what she versus talking about is that, you know, if you're going to be in the space, it's a long-term thing.

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